Weekly DWM Announcements

Week of 11/11/2024

Welcome to another wonderful week in Watershed. 

Human Resource Compliance Training

FY 2025 has begun.

Managers/supervisors/training coordinators can go to TalentLMS to view available dates to enroll their employees/groups with limited computer access to receive in-person training on the mandatory HR Compliance courses (i.e. Cyber Security, Active Shooter, iSpeakATL, and Sexual Harassment). 

 “All required citywide training located in Oracle/ATLCloud for FY24 are now closed.  You can no longer access them.  However, the current mandatory trainings: iSpeak ATL, and LGBTQ+ Culture Humility are accessible.  Should you have any questions, please email dwmtraining@atlantaga.gov.” 

Creating World Class Customer Experience


Instructors Needed!

DWM University is looking for instructors to teach our courses.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

The Commissioner’s Division of People Operations has launched a new customer satisfaction survey. Tell us what you think of the DWM University site and team! Your honest feedback can only make us better.

In-Person offerings now available for the following courses on TalentLMS:

Flaggers, First Aid-CPR-AED*, Defensive Driving 8/6*, Lift Truck Operator

Register for courses online at
coawatershed.talentlms.com. For additional
questions or assistance, contact Learning
Management Services at

(*) Denotes mandatory training for all employees

Register for courses online at
coawatershed.talentlms.com. For additional
questions or assistance, contact Learning
Management Services at

(*) Denotes mandatory training for all employees